• Gorymdaith Gŵyl Ddewi – St David’s Day parade

Croeso i Ysgol Llan-y-pwll

Croeso i wefan Ysgol Llan-y-pwll. Yma, cewch gyfle i ddarganfod pob math o wybodaeth am yr ysgol newydd cyfrwng Cymraeg Wrecsam ag agorodd gyntaf ym Medi 2022. Ar hyn o bryd, mae gennym ddisgyblion Meithrin, Derbyn a Blwyddyn 1 yn yr ysgol.

Mae Ysgol Llan-y-pwll yn credu mewn meithrin amgylchedd gweithgar, hapus a diogel sy’n seiliedig ar ryngberthynas gref rhwng plant a staff.  Byddwn yn ymdrechu bob amser i greu amgylchedd gofalgar a sefydlog.  Ein prif amcan yw datblygu amgylchedd dysgu diogel lle mae pob unigolyn yn cael ei barchu a’i herio. Porwch drwy’r wefan am wybodaeth pellach, neu cysylltwch yn uniongyrchol gyda’r ysgol ar [email protected]

Yn gywir,

Rhiannon James (Pennaeth)

Welcome to Ysgol Llan-y-pwll’s website. Here you will have the opportunity to find out all types of information about the new Welsh medium school which opened in September 2022. Currently, we have Nursery, Reception and Year 1 pupils at the school.

Ysgol Llan-y-pwll believes in fostering an active, happy and safe environment based on strong relationships between children and staff. We will always strive to create a caring and stable environment. Our primary objective is to develop a safe learning environment where all individuals are respected and challenged. There is further information on the website, or you can contact us directly at [email protected]

Yours faithfully,

Rhiannon James (Headteacher)